What You'll Need:
Two tassels
Two earring posts
Two head pins
Safety pins (approximately 30)
Jewelry wire
Various color/size beads
Hot glue
Start by attaching the earring post to the loop of head pin, which will serve as the base of your earring. String a large bead or stone onto the head pin, then push the pin through the top center of the tassel. Flip the tassel over and put a dot of hot glue on the underside of the head pin. Then slide a bead onto the pin so it sticks to the glue. This bead will be hidden by the fringe, but ensures the tassel will not slip off the post. Snip off any excess length of the pin.

Next, open the safety pins, slide on your decorative beads, then close the pins. Take about 12" of jewelry wire, and begin sliding on the safety pins, alternating with round beads. I added a plain safety pin next to every beaded one to achieve a fuller look like the Marc earrings. When there are enough safety pins to cover the circumference of the tassel, loop the wire through one of the round beads forming a circle.

These ornate tassel earrings will surely lift your spirits - and ensembles - for the remaining months of winter!
wow. theyre like almost identical!!
i know ive said this before, but.....
youre a genius!
I was just doing another project with safety pins & beads in close proximity... I would have made a pair of these had I known!
Great tutorial, as always!
p.s. I will link to this from Dollar Store Crafts next week or so.
Lovely *.*
Kisses from Portugal
thanks for lifting our spirits with another easy but extremely chic project! brilliant!
Woah those are absolutely awesome! I have a thing for tassels.
Nice job!
FABULOUS! I'll be linking.
Your DIY's are brilliant! Almost, if not defineitly, identical and way easy to do! I commend you!
Wooow I love your DIY tutorials, you should be knighted for all your diys!! I'll sure be a regular at your blog!!
Wow, I love these..you've done a fantabulous job, I might have to borrow this DIY from you & make some outrageously huge earlobe hangings myself. I'm in love with Marc Jacobs creative efforts at the moment, the dude has the Midas touch at the mo!
Wow, I L O V E theese !!
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