If I was currently in a climate where the temperature is above 10 degrees (read, not Manhattan), I would be all over these babies. Shredded denim + chain + Alex Wang = bliss.
Unfortunately, all my summer duds are stored away until May. Head over to Park & Cube for a simple tutorial. You'll come out looking like a BAMF - so fierce that no one on the street will dare mess with you!
The saying goes that imitation is the highest form of flattery, and we love to flatter your favorite designers! Arts-n-crafts aren't just for youngsters anymore as fashion-minded fiends are channeling designer inspiration to create their own signature pieces. This isn't a matter of dollars & sense. Instead, this site serves to get people into creating again, utilizing their individuality and ingenuity to transform high fashion into everyday style.
YES. any alexander wang diy is a winner in my book! :D
Alexander Wang is like a deity. those denim shorts are amazing!
of course, any DIY that i attempt turns out like a 5th grade craft-fair project.
i absolutely love love love your blog. i'm linking you. hope you don't mind.
you're entirely too creative- adored!
Very cute && ghrunge idea for any bad chic willing to rock this during the summer
hint hint
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