What You'll Need:
Boots (think Target or Goodwill)
Pyramid studs
Seam ripper or other sharp object
I have a wee obsession with ankle boots, so I folded the tops of my boots down until I got the height I desired. Next, decide the placement of your studs. I followed the curved seam around the heel. With the prongs of the studs, make a mark on the leather where they will poke through. Use the sharp end of a seam ripper to make little holes where the marks were. Now, the prongs of the studs easily slide into the leather. Using pliers, reach inside the boot and flatten the prongs so they won't poke your feet. Continue until you've studded to your heart's desire!

I love using my boots to toughen up flouncy skirts and feminine frocks!
amazing, i love this!
such an awesome idea, love what you have done!
hi, I love your blog ;).
i get so much good ideads to d-i-y
again an amzing DIY. love the result!
Great boots! And I loved even more how you matched. Fantastic!
OH MY!!! I love what you did with those. So handy and smart!
I definitely am all about the mixing of feminine and rugged so I love what you did. I just found your blog and I love it. Keep up the good work!
you did such an amazing job !
love it .
Really amazing. I always walk by Bess and think, God I really need to do those myself. Now I might have to after seeing your results!
what a perfect use for the leftover studs. where on earth did you find those kickass boots?
You have the best DIY ideas! now all I have to do is find the perfect pair of boots to stud!
I love these ankle studded boots! They're absolutely amazing!!
Good job!
i studded a pair of heels for a burberry effect...it takes patience for sure. great job on your boots!
Those boots are amazing. Love the skirt. Love the whole outfit!
LOVE the studs! all your projects always some out looking as good or better that the original!
Cool shoes!!!
Old photos make me smile too :]
thank you<3
amazing boots
may have to try this look
Thanks for writing this! I'm DEFINITELY going to try this sometime! And also, thanks for the link to the studs. I'd been looking for a site where you can buy them.....
your boots are sexy°
what a perfect outfit to pair with those fab boots! reminds me of a facehunter pic from ages
Very cute outfit. If I had the legs I would try it too!
p.s.-I took the liberty of adding your blog onto my blogger friends list. Thanks for the kind words you left on mine.
Oh these are gorgeous, I saw something similar in an upcycle boutique in NY, 500 damn dollars!
those boots look so amazing and where did u get those studs i couldn't find any gold:(
i want to do this with my wingtip shoes! but i need to find gunmetal stud :/
thanks for stopping by my blog girlie!
they are fantastic, i like the studs on them
I studded my boots too
and I used your photo, is it okay?.,
Wow !! those are the boots I love, actually I was thinking on buying a Dr Marten boots so they're really expensive, I'd like to know where you found those boots because they're really perfect.
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